So, I'll be 39 weeks on Friday! A lot of anticipation going on here.
I'm pretty sure God has me dilate early so that I'll actually get stuff done in time. I finally got a new pediatrician yesterday so we won't be driving 25 minutes from our new house, sewed curtains last week, etc. etc. Nesting instinct in high gear!
At my appt. today the midwife said i'm still hanging out at 3cm and almost completely effaced at 90%. she said if I have 2-3 intense contractions in a row to leave for the birth center. No sticking around here timing contractions. Think that'll give JC time to get home from work? Hehe. We are trusting God's timing on this. :)
Molly is doing great - learning new things every day and talking about baby sister non-stop. She brings us so much joy!!
From our big Dallas snow-in a couple weeks ago:
And she got to have hot chocolate afterwards - I told her that's our special snow treat!
One of my nesting projects (a painting):
Baby sister's is done except for her birthday, so I'll be posting it soon enough! :)