Monday, October 27, 2008

13 weeks, 3 days update

  • Baby has fingerprints this week!!
  • I'm starting to remember what "normal" feels like! I didn't need any naps this weekend.
  • I'm wearing maternity pants for the first time today. oh my gosh, they feel incredible - I recommend them to everyone - pregnant or not.
  • In case anyone else wondered, next Dr. appt. is Nov. 5. Probably won't get ultrasound, but maybe we'll get to hear that thundering heartbeat again!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

first picture

When I saw other sonograms pre-preggers, I was like, interesting! a little smudge. Now, I actually think it's cool. This is the most awesome little smudge I've ever seen!

This picture was taken six weeks ago, when BC was a little over six weeks "old."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Being pregnant

So, about being pregnant.

- Hearing about the gross things that will happen to me.*
- I can't drink, but I ALWAYS feel hungover (at least thus far; I'm holding out hope for the 2nd trimester)

- 300 calories extra a day!!**
- Telling people I'm preggers and having them burst into happy tears (thanks, mom, maggie, mubber! and even dad a little bit?)
- Ummm, A BABY***

*I know it's a "beautiful" process, but seriously, it's not all beautiful.
**Not like I'm counting, but it still seems like a plus.
***This point outweighs all the other ones... but maybe that goes without saying? :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're Expecting!

Yes, it's true! We are expecting our first baby May 1, 2009 and are so excited to start a family! We call our little one "BC" for baby Crawford, and he/she is almost 12 weeks along. About the size of a fig with tiny fingers, toes and a strong beating heart, we're pretty sure BC's going to be the cutest and smartest kid around.

Oh, and we're not going to find out whether we're having a boy or girl or reveal any potential names until the delivery! Sorry if that sounds torturous to you, but we think this is going to be the most awesome and fun surprise ever!