Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Little girl updates

Caroline is four months old! She had her check-up yesterday - she weighs 14lbs, 8oz (75th %ile) and is 15.5in long (90th %ile) - same as last time. Still a big girl and all looks great! She is so precious and we are in love with her - I can't squeeze or kiss this little baby enough.

She is sucking/knawing on everything these days and drooling everywhere. She grabs and holds onto toys and loves to play patty cake and itsy bitsy spider - it's a sure way to get her laughing hilariously!

Molly is testing us at every turn, but is still such a sweetheart. Amazing how one little person can make you so frustrated, but how much you fiercely love and enjoy them still. :) Parenthood demands incredible patience, that's for sure! Molly really is a ton of fun, though. Always learning and putting new funny sentences together. She has so much energy - she loves to hop around like a bunny - she could do this endlessly. She also still likes to run laps around our house saying, "look Caroline, look Caroline!!" every time she comes around the bend. Singing silly preschool songs, dancing, and playing with balls also top molly's favorite things!

1 comment:

Boo Boo said...

ohhh...I love this post! Thanks for the update and photos!