Friday, December 12, 2008

halfway there!

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant - the halfway point! Baby is the size of a banana this week.

You may be wondering how our baby grew from a tomato or bell pepper in the last couple weeks to a banana. This week doctors start measuring the baby from head to toe, instead of head to "rump" - mainly because babies start stretching out more and it becomes a better indicator of how big they actually are.

On another note, the boy votes (on the poll to the right) finally caught up with the girl votes this week. I guess it is a 50-50 shot!


keely said...

I totally remember you!! One more person I could be friends with if we ever got to move to Dallas! Congratulations to you as well!! Isn't it wonderful?!? I'm excited to follow your blog! Will y'all be finding out what it is?

D.O.D. said...

I'm pretty sure it's a boy, and that they're going to name it Billy.