Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Baby Book

Okay guys, so I'm about 300-400 pages into The Baby Book by Dr. Sears. Now I know why having a baby can be a totally consuming full-time job!

I'm thoroughly confused by the cry-it-out (CIO) and attachment parenting (AP) methods and the babywearing (see Julia Roberts) and co-sleeping and scheduling and self-soothing techniques. It's amazing we're not all screwed up based on what these experts tell you.

If you let your baby CIO they'll end up with severe trust and intimacy issues their whole life, and if you AP you'll be "weaning" your 3-year-old from breastfeeding and sleeping in your bed. Awesome!

Thank goodness most parents probably don't do so much research, and most people turn out well-adjusted. Otherwise, I'd really be freaking out!


Boo Boo said...

Who would have the nerve to give you a confusing book like that? :)

Maggie said...

I love you Sarah and I know that you and JC will be wonderful wonderful wonderful parents! (Just as long as your little munchkin gets lots of auntie lovin)

Anonymous said...

May I offer some advice? Pick what "method" sounds to work for you and JC and approach it with moderation. Be prepared that you will never be prepared and always adjusting, and that is just okay. You are going to be great parents and you will be shocked at how you never really feel like you know what you are doing, however it never is as scary as you thought it would be. Hope that helps!