Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's 2009 already! This is going to be a fun year for us.

We have less than a month in the 2nd trimester to go... soon we'll be on the home stretch, and maybe at some point strangers will be able to tell I'm pregnant and not chubby around the middle.

The third trimester also means we've got some work to do! Gotta get that baby room set up, figure out how to get a futon in our office (along with desk, bookshelves, treadmill and exercise bike. Phew!) and start birthing classes. YES, our weekly birthing class (8 total) starts next Tuesday and I'll try to spare you the details. I do know that we have to bring two pillows to each class. Should be an experience!!

Little munchkin is 23 weeks, can hear us, feel me move around and is the size of a large mango!


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to see you! I haven't seen your preggo belly yet and you are almost at the homestretch!

Boo Boo said...

Yay! I can leave comments now, too! Happy New Year BC...can't wait to meet you!