Saturday, September 5, 2009

Four months old!

The time is flying by! This month has been really fun. Besides for the sleep thing, which has improved immensely!! She slept from 8 to 2 to 6 last night! I would like a later wake-up time, but I'm not complaining too much. :)

She loves eating her feet now, instead of just playing with them. And if her feet aren't in her mouth, chances are one of her fists is! She's drooling up a storm; which means we go through multiple bibs a day, and her hands and feet are very "drooly" as I like to say.

We just had her four month appointment! She weighed 12 lbs, 11 oz right before she ate, and 13 lbs right after. So, maybe the average of that is her real weight? 12 lbs 11 oz is in the 25%-ile. She was 25 inches long, so in the 75%-ile for height.

So... tall and thin, clearly she's going to be a volleyball player/model.

Over the last couple weeks, we went to friends Erin and Jordan's wedding here in Dallas and my cousin Josh's wedding in Pittsburgh. Molly went to five weddings in her first four months of life! And 4/5 of them, she sat (or slept) silently through the entire ceremony. What a sweet girl!

Here are some pictures! (As always, click on a picture to see a bigger slideshow/download pictures.)

1 comment:

D.O.D. said...

She's going to be a movie star. I mean, if she wants to be. Or a volleyball player. Or maybe both. Or maybe a Monty Python impressionist.