Saturday, September 12, 2009

mom syndrome and pictures

Okay, so this entire picasa album is from two different instances... but as you know, I like to capture everything. Call it first-time-mom syndrome if you like.

Other Symptoms of First-time-mom Syndrome (can anyone relate?!)

- Thinking everything about your baby is adorable. Examples: how she drools, fills her diaper, burps, etc.
- Asking yourself burning questions like, "should I shower before the second feeding, or after??"
- Keeping track of your baby's "output" every day*
- Celebrating after sleeping four hours in a row
- Doing a ridiculous amount of research online regarding best solid foods to start, when, how to make, etc.**

*FYI: if you consider this gross, that is reasonable, but you are not a mom.
**JC told me yesterday "this is why we make a great team." (Because he'd just mash up some taco bell or something.)

On to the pictures!


The Jonker Family said...

Totally agree on the mom syndrome stuff. We're pieces of work for sure. Sarah, in some pics Molly looks so much like JC! And in other ones like you! I love her!

Anonymous said...

Good description Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Good description Sarah!