She's eating every 3 hours or so and taking 3-4 naps a day (depends on how long they are, usually 45 minutes, but she's getting better at napping longer periods - 2 hours sometimes!).
Because she's not sleeping through the night, our pediatrician suggested giving her a bottle after her last feeding to see if she's getting enough to eat. So we tried formula for the first time - she absolutely hated it! She made the funniest, most disgusted face. We tried it a few more times, this time Dad tried and we knew she was very hungry - still didn't cut it. She just prefers the real deal, I suppose.
Speaking of eating, she's so active and interested in everything around her, it can be a real wrestling match to get her to settle down and eat. And even while she's eating she's flailing her arms and kicking her legs. Can be frustrating, but mostly it's just funny.
On sleeping, she has gone back and forth the past month. The last two nights, she went down by 8:00, woke at 4am to eat, and was awake by 7:30 or so - She's still small so I am perfectly happy with one feeding at night!! but it seems every time I report good sleep news I jinx myself. So I'm not sure why I am posting this. Oh well.
She had her first walk in her "big girl" stroller yesterday for the first time(see above)! She LOVED it. Some more of those pictures are below, of course. Thanks for reading this long post and keeping up with us!
What a cutie pie! Molly is looking so big! I miss you guys!
Hey girl, Molly is so cute!!! I cannot wait to see her again . . . if it makes you feel any better Lainey's napping was insane from 4-7 months. Then all of a sudden it got "somewhat" predictable and I think I just relaxed about it more. Hang in there girl with your sleep, you are a champ! Take care! J
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